Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friday Shoot-Out: Green

The idea of My Town Shoot Out is to post photos of your community every Friday, and hopefully improve your photography skills. If you would like to see examples of this week's theme from other parts of the world, go here.

 Pictures taken in Corvallis, Oregon.

It snowed twice this week in the Willamette Valley, but it is March and the snow doesn't stick.

 This time of year spring really insists upon coming.


March can be a crazy month, very wet in Oregon, but I love it.

 Also-I realize this is random-I just this week learned how to make very good guacamole...

Happy St Patrick's Day! Have a great weekend everybody!



  1. That third photo is brilliant. It more than makes up for the guacamole which is yuck in my book - despite the attractive photo.

    1. I agree except to the guacamole (ONly a Brit wouldn't like Guacamole!) Maybe you've never had the good stuff.

  2. Oh, that is one of the best things I ever learned from a friend - how to make my own guacamole. The texture of the snow on the grass is quite interesting.

  3. Lovely green and now I'm off to see the guacamole recipe. My mouth is watering!

  4. That is an excellent photo of the avacado and the 3rd one is a prize winner, if this was a contest.

  5. You certainly captured the wetness of your spring with your first three shots - I think the third is awesome.

  6. That's an excellent shot of the water droplet!

  7. I like the second shot also - very much - would look good framed and in the kitchen.

  8. "it is March and the snow doesn't stick."

    Ha! Guess they wrote a new rule about that, eh?
