Thursday, March 1, 2012

FSO: Steps

The idea of My Town Shoot Out is to post photos of your community every Friday, and hopefully improve your photography skills. If you would like to see examples of this week's theme from other parts of the world, go here.

I was in Portland, Oregon, last weekend and it was really fun to notice the steps and stairs.

Coyote VI, Gynn Murrill, 1999
This bronze statue watches the entrance to the Portland Art Museum.

Curving staircase in the Center for Performing Arts, Portland.

Curved steps are so cool; they look like a seashell, or a fan.

We stayed in a grand old hotel, The Benson, where the staircases were elegant.

I imagined myself in Downton Abbey. But only for two days.

We're back home in Corvallis now, and it snowed hard last night. The trees and bushes looked like this when I took the dogs out for a walk this morning! I had to duck, but even then I got a collar full of wet spring snow.


  1. I love all the steps and stairways - I think mt favourite is your first one of the museum steps and the bronze dog. A great view.

  2. Love your collection of staiways, but that last picture blew me away!Such a gorgeous sight,something I can never find in my country cos we're in the tropic.

  3. Very elegant curved staircases! I like that "Downton Abbey" one ;)

  4. The staircases are amazing, the curves are so fluid.

  5. Your steps are so elegant - things of beauty! Love the first shot of the dog contemplating the entrance steps.

  6. Lovely collection of stairways. The last shot looks cold ^_^


  7. I love your stairwells, the 5th photo is really interesting with the elegant railing and the stair going down to another floor. very nice all.

  8. Wow! Impossible to pick a favorite. From the watchdog to the snowpath, just a great selection of shots. And the abstract stairs -- yes, like a fan -- and the perspective really throws the eye into creative confusion.
